International Conference “NKVD/KGB Activities and its Cooperation with other Secret Services in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-1989, II.
Updated: November 18, 2008
Activity of communist intelligence service is a necessary part of any consistent and systematic research into antidemocratic activities of the communist regime. Objectives of communism were global, reaching beyond territories of communist countries. Intelligence Services of Soviet satellite states were managed, coordinated and controlled by the Soviet KGB. Under the KGB control, the Intelligence Services tried to infiltrate governments, international institutions, and organisations of the free and democratic world. The objective of this international conference is to present and analyze, with sources now available, the activities aimed at gradual establishment of communist regime all over the world. The conference is a follow-up to the successful conference on KGB activities held in November 2007 which was organized by the Slovak Nation’s Memory institute in co-operation with their partners. |
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- Venue: Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
- Opening of the Conference: 19 November 2008
- End of the Conference: 21 November 2008
- Languages of the Conference: English, Czech, German
- Organizers: Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes (CZ), Institute of National Remembrance (Poland), Institute of Historical Studies of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia)
If you are interested in participation in the conference, please send your name and the number of your passport to till November 10, 2008
- Programme of the conference download here (PDF, 204 kB)
Panel 1: Archives of security forces of Central and Eastern European countries the records on the cooperation of security forces of Eastern European countries with the Soviet security services in contemporary archives, digitizing of archives, creating information systems, the possibilities of research and cooperation
- Cseh Gergö Bendegúz Hungaria, ABTL Electronic data processing in the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security
- Virgiliu Tarau Romania, Collegium CNSAS Securitate’s archive’s saga
- Ptáčníková Světlana Czech Republic, ABS Archive of Security Forces and documents on co-operation between StB and KGB – potential research
- Bukovszky Ladislav Czech Republic, ABS Cooperation of StB (State Security Agency) and KGB on protection of Soviet troops and army premises
Panel 2: Establishment of the security apparatus in Soviet satellite states after World War II activities of NKVD after World War II (abductions and transfers) establishment of communist intelligence services and their co-operation with the KGB, founding of structures and models according to the Soviet example
- Baev Jordan Bulgaria, Bulagarian Inter-University Cold War Research Group MGB/KGB Cooperation with the Bulgarian Intelligence & Security Services 1944–1989
- Claudiu Secasiu Romania, Collegium CNSAS Soviet Intelligence activities in Romania, in the years 1944–47
- Dornik Šubejl Ljuba Slovenia, Archives of the Republic Slovenia The influence of NKVD on foundation the Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence organisation in Slovenia and in Yugoslavia
- Bystrov Vladimír Czech Republic Activity of special units of the People’s Directorate of Interior of USSR
- Ritvars Jansons Latvia, The State Archives of Latvia Counter – espionage activities of Latvian SSR security institutions
- Geifman Anna USA, Boston University When Terrorists Come to Power: from Underground Combat to the Cheka-NKVD Rule
- Sommer Vítězslav Czech Republic, ÚSTR Second life of Felix Dzerzhinski
Panel 3: Central and Eastern Europe as a starting point for intelligence infiltration into the Western societies activities against citizens and embassies of the Western countries in the Soviet bloc support and protection of international terrorism
- Brezina Zbysek USA, Bethany College, Kansas The MVD/KGB Activities in the U.S. in the 1950s
- Selvage Douglas Germany, BStU The East German Ministry for State Security, Western NGOs, and the CSCE Process, 1977–1983
- Shevchenko Svetlana USA, U. S. Dept. Of Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office The Role of Archival Holdings of the Security Forces of Russia and the Soviet Union in trying to account for United States Prisoners of War and Missing Personnel in the Cold War
- Tomek Prokop Czech Republic, Vojenský historický ústav United against RFE
- Trützschler-Fügner Eugenie Germany, Thüringer Landtag Operation Nikola – Stasi and emigration
- Žáček Pavel Czech Republic, ÚSTR Soviet assistance during organization of special purposes service
Panel 4: Development of cooperation of the NKVD/KGB with satellite intelligence services legal framework, structure of organization, Soviet advisers education and schooling of staff, information exchange
- Bulhak Wladyslaw, Paczkowski Andrzej Poland, The Institute of National Remembrance; The Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences Relations between the Soviet and Polish Security Services in 1944–1990
- Maddrell Paul UK, Aberystwyth University The Stasi, the KGB and the German Democratic Republic’s Security and Intelligence Policy in the years 1953–1957
- Slávik Martin Czech Republic, ÚSTR Cooperation of StB (State Security Agency) and KGB in the area of active measures
- Michl Jan Czech Republic, ÚSTR Head of the counter-intelligence agency for 18 years. Josef Stavinoha, chief of VKR (Military Counter-Intelligence Agency) in 1953–1971
Panel 5: Operations of communist intelligence services, joint operations managed by KGB activities against the exile activities against international organizations (NATO, UNESCO, Church) infiltration of international movements (peace movement, ecological activities) activities against Zionism obtaining of technologies in order to arm, scientific technical intelligence service
- Grozev Kostadin Bulgaria, Sofia University Bulgarian State Security and Its Monitoring of U.S. and British Diplomats in Sofia in the Cold War Years (1945–1989)
- Varinský Vladimír Slovakia, Fakulta humanitných vied UMB Banská Bystrica Anti-Communist activities of the exile White Legion and its realization of State Security Agency in Slovakia
- Šmigeľ Michal Slovakia, Katedra historie FHV UMB v Banskej Bystrici In fight with „Banderas“: Some activities of Czechoslovak security forces against UPA – cooperation with Poland and USSR
- Cummings Richard USA, RFE 1976 Work Plan against Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty
- Pešek Jan Slovakia, HU SAV The Offensive of State Security Agency (StB) against French General Consulate in Bratislava during 1949–1951 and its consequences
- Miklovič Michal Slovakia, ÚPN Index of sudden attack. Czechoslovak version of KGB’s VRYAN operation.
- Kalous Jan Czech Republic, Vysoká škola politických a společenských věd Kolín Collaboration between KGB and StB during infiltration into NTS – Russian emigration organization
- Munteanu Mircea USA, Woodrow Wilson Center The Mitrokhin Archive – The KGB activities in Afghanistan and Iran
Contact Address:
Mgr. Katka Volná
Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes
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